Unless you have been lucky enough to be living off grid & away from civilisation for the last few years, you will most definitely have noticed that there are BIG changes going on in the world... Some good, some bad... but what it evident is that everyone has an opinion about the majority of them, and strong ones...
It has been brought to my attention, that actually, the big changes taking place are the result of exactly what people have been hoping for... People just don't realise it yet, and are focusing on the short term future, not actually on where these changes are actually going to lead us... (Unless the focus for the long term is on catastrophic ideas fuelled by the media hysteria that don't take into account the short term changes).
The extreme changes, and extreme politics of the world are actually the catalyst that is needed for positive radical change. I believe that we are experiencing the discomfort that creates the pearl...
(We are experiencing the discomfort that creates the pearl...)
The situations around us are making a lot of people look long and hard at their own ethics, morals and life choices. They are helping these people to become better than they were - more responsible for themselves and those around them. They are encouraging these people to strive for more, in all areas of their lives and to help make the world a better place.
It is undeniable that yes, there are those who are becoming engulfed in the fear and darkness, but a lot more people are waking up & realising that they do in fact need to be the change that they wish to see in the world.
It is important now more than ever for people to be pro-active , and not let their darkness or the 'darkness' of the world engulf them. Time is short for many people to wake up and realise that they are the ones who can make the biggest difference. It is them who can tip the balance in the scale of 'Good vs. Evil' in the world. People can no longer sit around and do nothing.
Hope is a very powerful thing, and it's growing stronger all of the time. Many now resolutely believe that the scales are tipping onto the side of good, regardless of what the mainstream media are saying. The truth is coming out in all areas.
(People are beginning to see the truth)
People are taking back their power over their health and their power to resist changes that disagree with their soul (what they know to be right and just, and what clearly is not). People are taking matters into their own hands and are becoming more socially aware, and using their skills and knowledge to help in their communities, leaving their jobs to take on paths of entrepreunership and social change, more people than ever are showing a united front and are helping with charities, volunteering their time to help others, and utilising the power of the internet to share information and share light with the world...
So please, share stories of hope & light as far as you can. Share good news and positive events with the world at every opportunity... Activism in not just about chaining yourself to gates & buildings or marching around with plaquards - but spreading positivity, comradery and community, and spreading the light of truth where possible...
The time of the everyday activist is here. The time of knowledge & unidiminishable light is upon us. We must continue to plant mental seeds wherever and whenever possible to inspire this behaviour in others, and let them know that there is always hope... Always.
The domino effect that will light up the world. Knowing you are making a difference will help you to grow, evolve & feel fulfilled...
So do whatever you can... share whatever you can... don't lose hope & don't ever feel defeated... there is always something you can do...
I am a firm believer in manifesting your life and that we are the creators of own realities... So live with intention & manifest well...
Love, Light, Laughter, & Blessings,
Iechyd da, Namaste, Sat Nam, A Salaam alaikum, In Lak'ech Ala K'in!
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