As some of you know I am writing a book, due to many external factors it has been put on the back burner, time & time again...
But lately it has been playing on my mind... I've been making little adjustments to my life to start giving attention to the intention of getting back to it... Some self doubts have been creeping in... a little bit of imposter syndrome... but it keeps coming back to my mind...
So I decided to ask my cards... "What do I need to know with regards to my book?"... and no word of a lie, these are what came out...
You cannot make it up 🥰
The Magician ➡️ The Empress
The fool ➡️ The Hanging Man ➡️ The World
Despite the auspicious nature of these cards themselves, All 5 of them are Major Arcana!
That is so unbelievably rare!
I dont think I have seen it happen in 17 years of doing readings! I am totally blown away... the message is clear to me, and I am so grateful!
Any other Tarot readers/users out there, have you ever seen anything like this?! 🥰
I'm so happy and full of love right now!
Watch this space for more about the book I guess 😆🥰🙏🏻💖🔥
If you have any questions about Tarot, please feel free to ask. It is a major passion of mine!
With love,