Creative Mystics, Holistic Rebels Session 1: Animal Guides & Pastelles

A few weeks ago, my wonderful Soul sister Jenny Giles & I hosted our first collaboration. The first in a series of monthly workshops we have named ‘Creative Mystics, Holistic Rebels’. It was beautifully intimate and a really powerful experience, and I am even more excited to be a part of it than I realised.

We divided the session into two parts and started by creating a sacred space… Creating an altar to honour the 5 elements, the Divine Mother & the Divine Father…

We introduced ourselves and shared the story of our guidance to start these sessions, we discussed our intentions, Mother Earth and what is going on with her energy and the important energetic connection that we have with her. It is important at this time to realise the importance of giving back to her, not just taking… loving in harmony with her as much as possible, expressing gratitude for all we receive from her - nutritionally, energetically, and with unconditional love.

We settled into the space and into our bodies to honour this connection with some movement meditation. This got the life force flowing and any stagnant energy moving to help us to focus when we sat to meditate, we then grounded our energy down into the Earth, sending roots down to stabilise ourselves and anchor ourselves into that Divine Mother Connection.

We then did an excercise to open our energy centres and expand out to connect with and Shine a light out into the world and in the cosmos, to raise our vibrations and that of the whole collective, before calling this energy back in and sending it down to Mother Earth to assist in her healing and raising her vibration through the Dragon lines and Ley lines on which the farm is built.

I then guided the others on a journey to the sound of Shamanic drumming, this repetitive and hypnotic sound is known to alter brain waves to assist in sending you into a deep trance like meditation…

…all the while burning locally grown mugwort… used to heighten psychic abilities, assist in astral projection, lucid dreaming, and more… ideal for the task at hand…

… and after giving everyone a few drops of a herkimer diamond crystal tincture… Also perfect for the task at hand as it can help to Fascilitate Astral Travel, Promotes Lucid Dreaming, connecting to dream consciousness in the waking world, Amplifies energy & intention, and also aids grounding the spirit into the body (Among other properties).

… calling in our Angels, Ancestors, Spirit Guides and Earth Spirits, to assist on our journey .

The journey took us to a space in the Etheric Realm where we were joined by Elemental spirits and our Animal Guides, to explore, to dance and play, and to receive any healing and wisdom that they wanted to share with us…

When we returned we discussed and shared what we each experienced with each other, leaving time for those who wished to write about any aspects that they wanted to remember clearly or anything that was most profound.

Here ended the first part of the workshop, we then took a break for refreshments, to settle back into our bodies more fully and grab some fresh air, before commencing with Part 2 where I handed the reins over to my Beautiful Soul Sister Jenny…

Part 2 was the Creative part of our Creative Mystic, Holistic Rebels workshop… we sat together in the space set up for our artistic expression to flow and we tuned back in within our mind to the animals and feelings we encountered and began to create our art under Jenny's guidance, encouragement & support.

I created a pastel piece that not only showed two of my animal guides - my beautiful wolf who has been with me on my journey for a very long time, and my wise old owl. For one of the very first times in my life I was able to get out of my own way and trusted in allowing the process to unfold without blocking myself with internal statements of not being good at drawing to get in my way…

As I was sat with my eyes closed, connecting back in to my guides, I was being shown a labyrinth which I felt was important to include, in the centre of a Grove of ancient Oaks - I have been taken to this place many times in journeys over the years, & it holds great significance to me. So this is what I tried to depict in my picture and I was so elated with the result!

I definitely feel as though the blockage in my beliefs in my artistic abilities has been cleared, and an avenue to using this as a method of connecting with my spirit team and the creative flow of my divine feminine has opened up, another tool in my toolkit that I have had resistance to tapping into until now. I couldn’t be happier about it!

The others who were there created beautiful images of Dolphins, a Hare/Rabbit, also a butterfly. The other animals and creatures we encountered we also discussed in detail, and looked into the messages and symbolic meanings of each one, and what the messages and the takeaways from the journeys were. We also touched on the things that had been expressed subconsciously through the pictures that we created.

All too soon it was time to wind down and pack away, say prayers of gratitude and say our goodbyes, but it is fair to say that we all had such an incredible experience… feeling so much peace, centredness and comfort… not only for being able to share this experience with like minded souls, but for the take aways we had and the support we could feel so tangibly coming in from the higher dimensional realms.

To say I'm excited for our next get-together is an understatement! In our next session we plan to explore the element of water - from a perspective of what is within us and outside of us… We will journey once again to the etheric realm and also a deep dive into our own being, then create artwork using watercolours to express what we experience and then another piece to pour our intentions down into physical form of how we want our energies to feel, what we want to hold in our energetic fields, and what we want to cultivate and attract going forward.

I feel so unbelievably blessed that this is part of my life, that I have been able to manifest the opportunities to hold space & faciliate these experiences for people with a beloved Soul Sister in such a beautiful, sacred place.

If you are at all interested in coming along to future events, or working with me in any way you can…

Book Creative Mystic, Holistic Rebel Workshop places through Eventbrite

Find out about what else I am offering by taking a look around my website

You can also check out Jenny's Website to see what she’s got going on and to connect with her!

Please feel free to reach out at any time via email or through any of my Social Media accounts (all links below)…

With so much love, light and many blessings my friends,
