Tea & Tarot

These sessions are a way for me to share my passion & love of the Tarot with others...

My aim is also to dispel people’s misconceptions, help people tap into their intuitive gifts, and demonstrate what a powerful, empowering, and transformative tool the Tarot can be.

When used by The Self for The Self, The Tarot has the potential to be life changing, and as a tool for spiritual development & personal development they are an absolute gift.

These Classes are perfect for anyone wishing to develop their card reading - either for your personal practise or for reading for others.

As well as helping people discover the cards real potential and to see their own spiritual gifts expand and grow. Whether they are new to the Tarot or have years of experience, there is always something to take away from these classes.

The next Session is Sunday August 4th 2024, 10.30am-3.30pm.